Cases for your iDevice
Smartphones cases that allow you to store your credit cards, drivers license, bills and other things that you would otherwise store in a traditional wallet. They exist in all colours and prices…
[amazonjs asin=”B008EK63YU” locale=”US” tmpl=”Small” title=”Thumbs Up UK iWallet for iPhone 4 – Retail Packaging – Black”][amazonjs asin=”B00GCJXYBU” locale=”US” title=”BoxWave Classic iPhone 5s / 5 Book Case – Vintage Book Cover Case, Genuine Leather Wallet Case Design with Card Slots and Premium Interior Design for Apple iPhone 5s / 5″][amazonjs asin=”B00B6Z25BU” locale=”US” title=”iPhone 4/4s – iWallet blue – yellow”]
Tip for our European readers: compare prices for iWallet cases in German, France and UK .